Tuesday, February 21, 2017

Brooks fights for the American people (white people)

Susan Brooks's Elections

[hide]U.S. House, Indiana District 5 General Election, 2016
PartyCandidateVote %Votes
    RepublicanGreen check mark transparent.pngSusan Brooks Incumbent61.5%221,957
    DemocraticAngela Demaree34.3%123,849
    LibertarianMatthew Wittlief4.2%15,329
Total Votes361,135
Source: Indiana Division of Elections

[hide]U.S. House, Indiana District 5 Republican Primary, 2016
CandidateVote %Votes
Green check mark transparent.pngSusan Brooks Incumbent69.5%95,209
Stephen MacKenzie15.7%21,575
Mike Campbell14.7%20,202
Total Votes136,986
Source: Indiana Secretary of State


Last Election: The last election for Susan Brooks was last year, 2016. She won again making it three in a row for the congresswoman. Susan Brooks won by a landslide in 2016, winning the primary with 70% of the vote and then winning the election with 62% of the vote. This compares to her other landslide victory in 2014 where she won the primary with 73% and winning the election with 65%. In 2012, the first time Brooks ran for congress, was a year where the old representative retired and there was a large race to see who would take his seat. Brooks won with 30% of the vote in the primary only 1% higher then the runner up. She would go on to win the election with 58% of the vote. Ever since her first win Brook's has had no one challenge her for her victories.

Next Election: Brooks has said to be running again in 2018 with what looks like another easy victory for her. The district 5 of Indiana loves her. She has not had any problems gaining their support since she has been elected. She is expected to win with a solid victory again in 2018. Brooks is also in a fine financial stand point for the next election. Her donations keep coming and she still receives the support she needs from her district.

Campaign: Susan Brooks is a classic Republican when it comes to what she stresses in her campaign. She wants to fight for: Create in environment for private businesses to create jobs, help the farmers of the nation, reform America's education, Immigration reform, health care that is not Obama care, fix the debt, stop Abortion, and finally let us all keep our great big guns.

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