Monday, February 27, 2017

Electoral connection

Electoral Connection
Susan Brooks
Brooks uses political ads and phone calls for most of her advertising to the public. Her ads stress how important it is to her to fight for you. She does not get into the specific details of her platform during these ads. They are more general. You can find her platform and her views on her social media sites that she uses.

Social Media:
Twitter: @SusanWBrooks
Instagram: @susanwbrooks

Position Taking

Susan Brooks is a classic Republican when taking positions. She is Pro-Life, loves the second amendment, for repealing Obamacare, and for Immigration Reform. She sponsors her party when she votes. Brooks does not drift from party lines. While running her campaign her main focus is on Health Care for her district, which means fighting the heavy usage of heroin and opioids. She says, "We are now having I think an unprecedented number of children coming into the child welfare system because their parents are dying of overdoses, People need to realize more than 40 Americans a day are dying from overdose deaths."  


Brooks has no issue with campaign funding as she has raised $1,725,753.96 in 2016. She is estimated to still have $1,347,890.27 on hand.

Credit Claiming

Congresswoman Brooks does most of her work through the two committees she is on. The Ethics Committee and the Energy and Commerce Committee. She has been the primary sponsor on 8 bills that have been enacted. Out of all the bills she has sponsored 35% of them have been in healthcare.

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